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Talk about staying woke there is a new bill that if passed will mandate the COVID-19 vaccine in New York. New York State Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal introduced the new bill to Senate on December 4th. The bill would require everyone that can receive the vaccine in a clinically safe manner to get the vaccine. The […]

The University of Rochester Medical Center is getting ready to accept shipments of the coronavirus vaccine. Officials are saying that the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech could get emergency use authorization from the FDA as soon as next week, right around the time the first shipment is expected to arrive. The vaccine itself is pretty […]

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, some critical areas in the country are going to have to see lockdown measures he described as “draconian” and “drastic” if they are to significantly lower the COVID-19 transmission rate in their areas. The “surge upon a surge” that […]

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recently communicated to state health departments and Governor’s offices, saying that Operation Warp Speed may fall short of the mark on how many doses of the vaccine that they will be receiving once it’s authorized. As the Pfizer & Moderna vaccine emergency use authorizations are expected to […]

Even though the COVID-19 vaccine is still a few moths away from being distributed, Monroe County wants to be ready. Monroe County Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Mendoza says: “We’re planning as though it’s right around the corner.” When the first batch is distributed, it will first go to healthcare workers and long-time residents and then […]

Meanwhile, in strange news, Santa Claus was going to get early access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Mrs. Claus and the elves were also eligible for early access to the vaccine. This was going to be done under a plan put together by the Trump administration that would cost $250 million. In return for early access […]

Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief company executive made an online announcement on Friday, saying that the vaccine they are working on will not be available for public use by the election. The pharmaceutical company should know if the vaccine is effective in the next couple weeks. If those trials are successful, the vaccine should be […]

Emergency room doctors are beginning to see an uptick in COVID-19 cases all across the country, sparking fear of a second wave. According to Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency medicine physician with Brown University in Rhode Island, “We are all seeing increasing numbers of Covid-19 patients who are coming into our ER’s, who are getting […]

Promising data has been coming from Oxford University & Astra Zeneca as they continue the search for a coronavirus vaccine. The newest round of the vaccine has generated an immune response in 1000 patients participating in a study. While side effects like headache, fever, muscle pains and injection site reactions are present in about 60% […]

The pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and BioNTech have announced that they have signed an agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense to deliver almost 300 million does of a COVID-19 Vaccine by 2021. The government’s plan is called Operation Warp Speed and it’s designed as part of a […]

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