Strong hospital

5 months ago on November 29th there was an investigation into the death of Brittany Iverson a health care worker at a DePaul living site on Dewey ave. Brittany Iverson’s death is now being ruled as a homicide. Reports say there was an altercation that involved the victim Brittany Iverson and another individual at Depaul. Iverson […]

Strong hospital getting one million dollars in federal funding to expand the emergency department with the help of Congressman Joe Morelle. Hopefully this expansion will help with the overcrowded emergency department. Congressman Morelle announces $1M funding for Strong Hospital emergency department expansion (

In order to help combat the staffing issues in hospitals, nurses from Northwell Health in New York City arrived to support Strong Memorial Hospital by taking on patient care duties in the hospital’s ED and ICU. Yesterday, a cohort of eight Northwell Health Nurses and an administrative support team member began their work at the […]

Strong Memorial Hospital is almost at 100% capacity due to the rising infection rates of COVID-19. With more cases in three days than the entire month of September, beds are filling up at an exponential rate. Hospitalizations in general have risen by more than 100% in the past 19 days as well. “The number of […]

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