Spray Parks

City R-Centers, pools, Durand Eastman Beach, some library branches, and spray parks and features will be available so residents can remain safe and comfortable. Some locations will also have extended hours. Residents can escape the heat in the City’s air-conditioned R-Centers and libraries or cool off at a City pool, spray park or at the […]

We are officially kicking off summer vacation for students if you’re looking to go swimming there’s a few options in the area that’s available. Charlotte — Spray Park at Ontario Beach Park is now officially open 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Chili — The Spray Park at Union Station Park is open from 10 a.m. […]

Rochester temperatures are expected to approach 90 degrees this week. City pools, spray parks and air-conditioned facilities will be open for extended hours to help residents cool down. The City of Rochester’s Cool Sweep program, will have extended hours at Durand Eastman Beach from noon to 6 p.m. to noon to 7 p.m. Here is […]

The City of Rochester has enacted Cool Sweep for Tuesday as temperatures will reach close to 90 degrees. Wednesday is expected to climb into the 90’s as well so Cool Sweep will be  good way to cool off. During Cool Sweep Durand Eastman Beach will be open 12 noon – 7 pm instead of normal […]

City of Rochester Cool Sweep is triggered when forecasts call for temps to rise over 85 degrees, to provide city residents with opportunities to cool down. Because of COVID-19 precautions have changed the hours of operation and capacity limitations. Here is a list of spray parks, open from 12-6 p.m., person capacity is in parenthesis: […]

(Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016) – With the forecast of warm weather next week, Mayor Lovely A. Warren has announced the City will be extending the Genesee Valley Park Pool season until Friday, Sept. 9  from 2 to 6 p.m. Spray parks will remain open through Saturday Sept. 10. from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Both […]

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