Social Media

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The Federal Trade Commission sued to break up Facebook on Wednesday And is demanding a federal court to force the social media giant to sell off it’s other popular platform such as “What’s APP” & “Instagram” as independent businesses. Now according to reports it’s saying Facebook has continued to buy other platforms that pose us […]

Fact Check. We received some texts on our Frontline about the warning message from the NAACP. So I did a quick fact check to see if the warning message was real and it is not real. The NAACP released a statement saying it was false and they also posted a video from their verified Twitter […]

Yesterday, singer Trey Songz let his fans know that he has tested positive for COVID-19, adding that he’s “down, but not out.” He made the announcement via social media in a post that read: “Here with a very important message to let you know I tested positive for COVID-19,” Songz said in a video message […]

Have you seen the ‘Social Dilemma’ yet? On the Wake-Up Club we talked about the Netflix show “Social Dilemma” were they talk about how social media controls people feelings. In a rescent study done by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin and two University of Rochester psychologist, they found that teenagers who receive […]

The FDA is warning parents and people of serious problems tied to a series of overdoses link to a new social media challenge called the “Benadryl Challenge”. According to reports the so-called Benadryl challenge is popular with teens on social media platforms. Healthcare providers are saying a number of teenagers being rushed to the hospital […]

There are times where you will have to unfollow people on social media but you will also have to do the same in real life. No matter if it is someone who has a negative mindset, always complaining, that does not believe in you, or someone who wants to see you fail. Unfriend, unfollow, and […]

Catching up on news stories over the weekend and stumbled upon this article’s sportswomen and social media. BBC Sports did a survey on sportswomen and the effects social media trolls have on the athletes. It’s an interesting read when you have a minute the article is lengthy. But, it gets into how women are paid […]

President Trump signed an executive order Thursday that will make it easier for big tech companies to be held liable for what users post. The reason for the executive order is because Twitter fact checked two tweets from the President earlier this week. Under the order Mr. Trump wants to push legislation that would reinterpret […]

Lil Wayne is Single Again! Wayne and fiancée model La’Tecia Thomas have broken up, according to WDKX’s Own Flo Anthony on the WDKX Wake-Up Club. How do we know? Social Media posts, or lack their of. Thomas, an Australian model. Has not been flashing her engagement ring. No her card or necklace that was given […]

Human behavior is fascinating to me especially lately. During this pandemic we have all seen the good the bad and the ugly when it comes to social media. What people post, what people choose to believe, and the amount of misinformation individuals share. This article I read on is very interesting, it breaks down […]

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