Sister Act 2

Whoopi Goldberg celebrated the 30th anniversary of “Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit” by reuniting the film’s cast on “The View.” This special event included not only her adult co-stars like Kathy Najimy but also many of the kid actors from the movie’s choir scenes. Together, they recreated the iconic “Oh Happy Day” and […]

Its official, Sister Act 3 will be released exclusively on Disney Plus according to the massive press release on Thursday. Disney has confirmed that the third movie in the franchise has begun production and will definitely include Whoopi Goldberg. Goldberg will return as Deloris Van Cartier, a singer forced to enter the witness protection program […]

Whoopi Goldberg has announced that she is working very hard to make Sister Act 3 a reality. She gave the announcement on The Late Show With James Corden: “For a long time, they kept saying no one wanted to see it. And then quite recently, it turns out, that that may not be true. People […]

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