
In an intriguing revelation, Shaggy, the renowned “It Wasn’t Me” and “Boombastic” singer, disclosed that his iconic singing voice was an invention, inspired by his time in the U.S. Marines. The artist, who joined the Marines at 18 and served during the first Gulf War, found his distinctive, throaty vocal style by mimicking the gruff […]

On Friday, Dancehall Queen Spice made history as the mega-force capable of bringing International superstars Shaggy and Sean Paul together on the same song. Fans have been waiting for this moment for decades and finally the day is here. Spice’s new single “Go Down Deh” debuted on WDKX Friday during the #Newat2 with Jazzy T. […]

  View this post on Instagram   A WDKX exclusive interview with superstar @direalshaggy hosted by @an.dri.aa A post shared by 1039 WDKX (@wdkx) on Jul 20, 2020 at 9:25am PDT

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