Rush Henrietta Central School District

Rush-Henrietta Superintendent Barbara Mullen will present a revised budget proposal at a Board of Education meeting on Tuesday night. The initial budget for the 2024-2025 school year failed to pass by just fifteen votes, leading to a revote scheduled for June 18. Mullen explained that the district had three options: adopt a contingency budget with […]

Most school districts in the surrounding Rochester area approved its 2024 -2025 school year budget except Rush-Henrietta Central School District. The district failed to push through its $171 million dollar proposed budget for the next upcoming school year. School district budget vote results for 2024-25: Most plans approved, Rush-Henrietta’s defeated –

If you’re looking for a job the Rush Henrietta Central School District is holding a job fair Wednesday August 16 from 10am -6pm at Roth Junior High School. The district is looking to fill positions such as teachers, bus drivers, food service workers, and more. Job Fair August 16 (

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