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Written by Jasmine On Tuesday afternoon, officials at Northern Virginia Community College announced that MCC’s Dr. Anne Kress would be their new president. She was chosen from a pool of three finalists, which initially had more than 80 applicants nationwide. Northern Virginia Community College serves more than 92,000 students on six campuses and is the […]

Comedian Kathy Griffin is going to have to deal with the United States Secret Service after posing with a fake Donald Trump severed head.  

Did you catch First Lady Melania Trump yesterday when she slapped away President Trump’s hand? 

Certain powers that be are really trying hard to dismantle the legacy of our former President Barack Obama. I don’t think they understand you can NOT destroy good. Evil shall not and will not prevail. Now, all of the sudden, Congress just might try to take Barack Obama’s pension away because of a speech he is […]

If you have been waiting at least trying to wait patiently for the new season of House of Cards like I have you should find some comfort in the new trailer Netflix released this week. It’s not as scary as our current reality but it looks like it will be another fantastic season. President Francis […]

There should be a disclaimer for folks who dress up as our current President Donald Trump like “Trump at your own risk.” Phillip Wilburn, a known Trump impersonator out in L.A. learned that the hard way. 

The Doggfather of hip hop Snoop Dogg dropped a new video that is full of clowns literally. Police are clowns, politician’s are clown, and our current President is a clown too. The new music video “Lavender” has some folks and politicians like Marco Rubio are not happy at the fact Snoop pretends to assassinate a […]

Wayment… President Trump was serious when he said he will have meals for detainees at the Mexican border. The Department of Homeland Security are officially soliciting bids for food service companies to provide meals for Mexican detainees. You could get a bean and cheese tacos for breakfast.. Now is this adding salt to the wound? 

Former President Barack Obama shared his thoughts on Donald Trump’s travel ban the other day and he feels like most of the world.

We’ve been asking for the last few month’s besides the wall and Obamacare “Trump, what is your plan, what are you going to do as President?” Now that he has become the President Elect of the United States he released his 100-day plan called “Donald Trump’s Contract With The American Voter” and for me it’s […]

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