president obama

Former 1st lady Michelle Obama… Wait let me stop Michelle Obama will always be our 1st lady lol. Mrs. Obama is kicking off a new series on IGTV called, “Year Of First”. The series focuses on the lives of four college freshmen from four different schools across America touching on issues college students deal everyday […]

In case you missed President Obama at the White House giving his last news conference we have it for you! 

I don’t know about you but I boo hoo cried when President Obama thanked his best friend and First Lady Michelle Obama during his farewell speech last night. If you missed it click for more and have your tissue on standby!

I absolutely love the First Lady Michelle Obama. In a perfect world she would be the next President of the U.S….. Anyway, she was a guest on Ellen DeGeneres show with Stephen Curry and she tells him next time talk trash to President Obama while they play golf. #hilarious Here is the clip in case […]

Obama beats Stephen Curry in Connect Four and coaches him on his jump shot in new mentorship PSA

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March 31, 2016

I  absolutely adore President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama! The pictures below of them are amazing and as they say a photo can speak a thousand words. With that said I decided to have some fun today and add my own captions to them..  In the words of Talent it’s just comedy lol.

This week’s episode of Black-ish  was entitled, “Hope,” and centered around a highly publicized court case involving alleged police brutality and an African-American teenager and man was it unapologetically real!

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January 15, 2016

The Detroit Pistons and President Obama are back again with another push to get Andre Drummond in the 2016 NBA All Star Game in Toronto, Canada. This time it is with a remix to “Forgot About Dre.” Very clever! I’m always amazed at how they can find the words from people’s speeches and combine them […]

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