positive mindset

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The power is in the hands of the decision-maker. Make the decision to be happy. Sometimes we give other people, circumstances, and situations the power to “steal our joy” or affect our happiness. The focus for the day is choosing happiness because we all want to be happy right? Happiness is a choice. Now I […]

Watch how people treat others around them and even strangers, learn from the actions they display. If they show they are not loyal to anyone including themselves, don’t expect them to be loyal to you. Secondly, if they do not respect boundaries or do not respect other people including themselves you can not expect them […]

Kicking off your week with some positive vibrations! Make sure you surround yourself with good people. People who lift you up and do not make you feel like you are not enough. People who make it easy for you to communicate with them and who create a positive environment for you to thrive. Meaning they […]

This moment in time we are currently in with the coronavirus pandemic has taught me a lot about myself.. Especially, being alone with my thoughts so now I’m forced to deal with me. Now don’t get me wrong, I took time out to be alone with my thoughts and myself prior to this pandemic. Self […]

Right now there is a lot going on and a lot we don’t know. COVID-19 has disrupted and changed the way we live for the moment but it has also changed the world. We will not be the same when we get to the other side. That necessarily is not a bad thing. Yes, we […]

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