Phase 3

A COVID-19 Vaccine is set to start late stage trials where they can test to see how well the the drug works to not only treat, but prevent the coronavirus. Biotech company Regeneron has said that they have a unique double antibody solution during a press release on Monday. This vaccine is unique because it […]

On Sunday, Mayor Lovely Warren announced that some of the offices in city hall will be re-opening and seeing customers starting Monday, 06/15. The offices will be operating with social distancing guidelines in place and will only be open during specific hours and days. In a press release, the Mayor said: “As the City of […]

Governor Andrew Cuomo has said that low-risk youth sports will be authorized to continue on July 6 with the phase 3 re opening plan. Low-risk sports include baseball, softball, gymnastics, field hockey, cross country and crew. Social distancing regulations will still be in place for those attending, and there can be no more than 2 […]

On Friday, June 12 phase 3 is set to take effect in 5 New York regions. In Phase 3, indoor dining will be available for most restaurants and personal care businesses will allowed to open again. Businesses will have to follow strict guidelines that can be found here. A few regions entered phase 2 almost […]

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