monroe county

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Even though the COVID-19 vaccine is still a few moths away from being distributed, Monroe County wants to be ready. Monroe County Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Mendoza says: “We’re planning as though it’s right around the corner.” When the first batch is distributed, it will first go to healthcare workers and long-time residents and then […]

A Frontliner asked a great question today on the Wake Up Club regarding COVID-19 testing. Is the test free or do you have to pay? If you want to get tested for COVID-19 there are a couple of options available. You can go to the Anthony L. Jordan Health Center on 82 Holland Street, Rochester, […]

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and County Health Director Dr. Michael Mendoza held a news conference recently to address the recent surge in COVID-19 cases. They detailed a plan are new guidelines that will address hospitalization numbers and testing in schools, focusing on keeping grades K-8 as open as possible. On Monday, Monroe County reported […]

According to Monroe County Executive Adam Bello: “We have seen a rapid increase in positive cases of COVID-19 throughout Monroe County. It’s going to take a community-wide effort to help us flatten the curve in order to keep our schools open and our residents safe and healthy. This free community testing can help us find […]

On Saturday, the Monroe County Department of Public Health confirmed over 500 new cases of COVID-19. This number marks the highest rate of recorded daily infections and beats the old record by 100. Health officials are saying that the 7 day average of cases is at 4.88%. There are a reported 314 people in the […]

The Supreme Court has weighed in on some of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “orange zone” restrictions. The Courts decided that religious freedom was more important than pandemic precautions on Wednesday night, resulting in a temporary block on the rules that limited houses of worship’s occupancy to 10 – 15 people at a time. The court’s unsigned […]

According to the new regulations surrounding the “orange zone” designation, gyms are required to close their doors this morning. Most gyms made the necessary preparations on Tuesday, but the designation goes by infection zone, so not everyone is closing up shop. There are two LA Fitnesses in Rochester that will be temporary closing their doors: […]

Monroe County’s abnormally high COVID-19 infection rate is threatening to push it’s designation into an “orange zone” unless it drops significantly in the coming weeks. According to New York State guidance principles, if the county gets an “orange zone” rating places of worship would be limited to 33% capacity or 25 people maximum, and restaurants […]

A second Chick-fil-a has opened in Monroe County and Henrietta residents couldn’t be happier. Hundreds of people flocked to 100 Marketplace Drive in Market Commons plaza to grab breakfast, lunch and dinner at the new fast food chain location. The franchise’s hours are 6:30 am to 10 pm Monday – Saturday. Due to COVID-19, the […]

Monroe County broke its previous single-day COVID-19 case increase yesterday, clocking in 373 new cases in one day. This brings the 7 day rolling average to 270 new cases per day. With over 18,00 new COVID-19 cases over the past 7 days, Monroe County Public Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Mendoza isn’t too happy. In a […]

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