monroe county

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In only 10 days, Strong Memorial Hospital has given over 4,000 coronavirus vaccinations to its employees from both Pfizer and Moderna. Without skipping a beat, shots were administered on Christmas Day – “you get in, you get your shot, and back to work you go.” Kathy Parrinello, Chief Operating Officer has the place running like […]

Employees at some salons and barbershops are still trying to meet the COVID-19 testing requirements because testing locations are booked full for weeks. Chantal Corriveau, an esthetician who does skin treatments in a salon on Broad Street, can’t get back to work because she can’t find an asymptomatic testing site that isn’t completely booked. “We […]

The Rochester City School District just announced a three tiered plan to re-open in January. According to superintendent Lesli Meyers-Small, each phase will affect different students: “As you know we have had a school year like none other,” Myers-Small said. “Being in the midst of a pandemic and working to move forward to do what’s […]

On Thursday in Monroe County, there were over 700 new cases of COVID-19 reported, the highest to date since the beginning of the pandemic. Health experts are concerned that with the Christmas holiday approaching, the numbers will continue to grow into the new year. Governor Cuomo mentioned our region during his press briefing, saying: “The […]

The City of Rochester’s Office of Public Integrity released a 48 page report on Tuesday that concluded that there was no evidence of any city employee violating any policies or ethical standards for the city or city departments in the death of Daniel Prude. Tim Weir, the head of the Office of Public Integrity put […]

Reports indicate that the long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine will be arriving in Monroe County sometimes this week. The way things are scheduled out, the nursing home residents who are scheduled to receive the inoculations first, won’t be able to get them for at least another week after they arrive. Before they can get the vaccine, the […]

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester teamed up with Santa Clause to hold a gift drive yesterday morning. Members handed out over 300 gifts to club family members while some kids got to get their picture taken with Santa himself. The event was made possible by generous members of the Rochester community, as well […]

COVID-19 Rates in Monroe County have continued to grow, seeing at least 600 new cases & 6 new deaths on Friday. In response to the upward trend in infection rates New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that there are going to be updates to the metrics on what determines red, orange and yellow zones. While […]

Yesterday marked the first official day that the asymptomatic testing locations at were open to the public in Monroe County. Hundreds of people drove to East High school on E Main St. to see if they were carrying the coronavirus at the cities newest rapid testing site. The new testing sites highlight an improvement in […]

As the COVID-19 infection rate climbs to 7.32% positivity in the orange zone and 6.81% in the yellow zone, Monroe County Public Health Commissioner Michael Mendoza recommends that: “Now is frankly the time to stop gathering outside our household.” Reports are coming in from area hospitals saying that beds are filling up and healthcare workers […]

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