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You ever read a news story and say to yourself this just can’t be real? So, Sight posted a news story that students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama were intentionally going to parties knowing they have COVID-19. Welp! There has been a development with that story. The reason why they were attending the parties is that they […]
Back in April, Netflix was developing a plan to deposit 2% of its cash into Black banking institutions and community development organizations, who statistically lend more money to minorities and POC than other financial institutions. The recent demonstrations and protests have pushed the motion forward. Netflix announced on Tuesday that it would be depositing around […]
Over the weekend I went to Home Depot to get a few things for a do it yourself project and when I went to pay for my items the sales associate said they are not taking cash. Of course, I would be paying in cash but following my first mind, I brought my card with […]
According to CBS News, 1 in 5 Americans describe their financial situation as a hardship due to the coronavirus outbreak. A quarter of Americans earning less than $50,000 a year were impacted the most. Compared to 11% of Americans earning over $100,000 a year or more. 45% of Americans say they are not making enough […]
Two years ago, Hershell Robinson, 83, had to go to the hospital. While he was being treated he missed payments on 2 water bills and the City of Chicago shut off his water. Recently, ABC News 7 in Chicago ran a story about Mr. Robinson and within hours, received an overflow of calls and emails […]
This morning on the Wake Up Club a few people called and texted in about not receiving their stimulus payment. If you are supposed to get a check instead of direct deposit again, it will come on a debit card. A letter should of been mailed to you telling you that you will receive the […]
Still haven’t received your stimulus check yet? You’re not alone around 4 million Americans are in the same boat. Now, you may not get a check at all! Instead, the IRS is now mailing out prepaid debit cards. EIP, or Economic Impact Payment cards will be sent out, over direct deposit or a check. The […]
Could there be another round of stimulus checks coming? If a new bill passes in the Senate, yep. Key Phrase “IF”! What would be the pay out this time? Adults making less than $75,000 would get another check at $1200 for a single person. Double that for a married couple making less than $150,000. Distributing […]
The IRS wants stimulus money back. The agency said this week they sent out checks to people that are deceased. In a rush to get all the checks out for people who need it during COVID-19. The agency said that they sent out checks for people who had filed within the past two years. Including […]