Since the announcement of Facebook’s rebranding to Meta, the popular metaverse project SYN CITY has announced that they’ve named Swae Lee their Chief Entertainment Officer. According to Crypto Briefing, Swae Lee will be tasked with streamlining the upcoming clash between digital art, music, and metaverse gaming in the coming year. In addition to these tasks, […]
Did you know that National Unfriend Day is on November 17th? It was created by late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel back in 2010. Yes, it is a real thing although it’s unofficially official. The reason I’m bringing this up is to ask have you taken a moment to go through your friends on social […]
Yesterday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the announcement that Facebook’s new corporate name will be ‘Meta.’ This announcement is in effort to reimage the company’s public image from just a social network platform to tech innovator focused on building the next generation of online interaction, known as the “metaverse.” In a statement from Zuckerberg, he […]