
Social Media fired up the meme machine Thursday night as rumors of Drake getting arrested for marijuana spread like wildfire. Drake is in Sweden, but he is not in jail. His team debunked rumors of his arrest, stating that he was chillin in the hotel after a night out on the town. You know how […]

Supervisor Don Trout of Waterloo is being called to resign by town council members after outrage over a ‘meme’ he posted to Facebook about white supremacy. Back on January 13, Trout posted a cartoon to Facebook with the “warning signs of white supremacy” including traits like “full-time employment, auto insurance, and being literate.” This upset […]

Yes it’s true, Instagram crashed last night. With Instagram “trippin” the internet went to Twitter aka the “side piece” for comfort in the time of need! Like that saying goes what one won’t do the other will lol.  

So Donald Trump is elected President of the United States… Stranger things have happened.. Wait, Stranger Things Season 2 is coming back on Netflix in 2017 yessssss a win for me!! Okay, okay, back on topic…. So Trump is elected President and you know social media is here for the memes. Here are some […]

Do you think Ellen DeGeneres is wrong or racist for this meme of her on Usain Bolt’s back? The caption on the picture reads “This is how I’m running errands from now on.” Fair or foul? Me personally, I think people need to lighten up I don’t see anything wrong with the meme I see pure […]

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