
Millions of people who are unvaccinated in Austria  We’ll have to go it’s a lockdown. Reports say unvaccinated people will only be allowed to leave home to take care of important needs such as going to work, attending appointments and running errands. This lockdown is scheduled to last for about 10 days. Children under the […]

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, some critical areas in the country are going to have to see lockdown measures he described as “draconian” and “drastic” if they are to significantly lower the COVID-19 transmission rate in their areas. The “surge upon a surge” that […]

The Supreme Court has weighed in on some of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “orange zone” restrictions. The Courts decided that religious freedom was more important than pandemic precautions on Wednesday night, resulting in a temporary block on the rules that limited houses of worship’s occupancy to 10 – 15 people at a time. The court’s unsigned […]

Certain parts of Monroe County have officially been designated as an “orange zone” by the powers that be in Albany. Parts of Rochester, Brighton, Gates, Greece, Irondequoit and Pittsford are now officially subject to restrictions and regulations close to what they were back in March. The regulations include schools ending in class sessions, a ban […]

California is postponing its reopening plans due to a spike in statewide coronavirus cases. Currently, California has over 1 million cases and a 4.2% infection rate – joining Texas with the highest pandemic rates in the country. San Diego county is being forced back to the most severe of the color-coded levels and many small […]

Monroe County has reported 136 new coronavirus cases, which is the highest number since the pandemic began back in March. Public Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Mendoza gave a statement, saying: “Our contact tracing is revealing several concerning trends. We are finding more small and large gatherings where attendees are not observing essential precautions including social […]

The FBI has just announced that Virginia Governor Northam was also a target in the kidnapping plot of Michigan Governor Whitmer. Governor Northam was targeted because the kidnappers were angry about the lockdown order she placed during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic according to Special FBI agent Richard Trask. Trask released a statement saying: […]

Cheating app Ashley Madison has released its “Love Beyond Lockdown” report this week. According to the report (from the dating site for people to have affairs) between early March and early April this year, it saw a 10% dip in membership. However, a new report shows people have become increasingly creative, and demand for extra-marital affairs has […]

Did the lockdown (due to COVID-19) change your relationship status to single or getting a divorce? You are not alone!   New data collected by Legal Templates, a company that provides legal documents, found the number of people seeking divorces between March and June was up 34 percent compared to last year, with 31 percent […]

During a live stream interview between Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Zuckerberg voiced his concern in how the federal government has handled the coronavirus pandemic. Zuckerberg is quoted, saying: “I just think that it was avoidable and it it’s really disappointing that we still don’t have adequate testing, […]

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