
October 13, 2021

After the discussion Tariq and I had this morning, I decided to start this blog called ‘Not Normal’ so thanks for the title Tariq! Now I don’t know yet how often I will post so for now look for the ‘Not Normal’ blog once a month. The reason for this blog is after our discussion […]

Do you listen to your intuition? That moment when “something told you” or that gut feeling do you listen to it? Some of the greatest people in the world say and from my own experiences that you should listen to it all of the time. Trust your intuition it does not lie to you. Another […]

In 2014 a group of Black community leaders in Rochester came together to ensure that we have a seat at the table when it comes to policies and procedures that impact us. Jackie Campbell, one of the founding members of The Black Agenda Group, says the organization is made up of volunteers who are on […]

Listen to the following songs below and rate them from 1-5!!! A rating of 1 would mean you do not like the song ? A rating of 5 would mean that you love it !!!!???  Once you are finished listening to the songs below?… TEXT OUR TEXT LINE AT  (585) 678-1039 TO SEND US YOUR […]

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