infection rates

As the average daily rate of COVID-19 drops in Los Angeles County, the business and restaurants are looking forward to re-opening as soon as possible. The County has officially moved from a purple tier to red, but public health experts aren’t as optimistic as the citizens. As the County shifts into the red tier, businesses […]

On Thursday in Monroe County, there were over 700 new cases of COVID-19 reported, the highest to date since the beginning of the pandemic. Health experts are concerned that with the Christmas holiday approaching, the numbers will continue to grow into the new year. Governor Cuomo mentioned our region during his press briefing, saying: “The […]

COVID-19 Rates in Monroe County have continued to grow, seeing at least 600 new cases & 6 new deaths on Friday. In response to the upward trend in infection rates New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that there are going to be updates to the metrics on what determines red, orange and yellow zones. While […]

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and County Health Director Dr. Michael Mendoza held a news conference recently to address the recent surge in COVID-19 cases. They detailed a plan are new guidelines that will address hospitalization numbers and testing in schools, focusing on keeping grades K-8 as open as possible. On Monday, Monroe County reported […]

Last week, the Wheatland-Chili School district confirmed that a middle / high school student tested positive for COVID-19. According to officials, the student did not contract the virus on school grounds and the student will not be returning to campus until they test negative and the Monroe County Department of Public Health says its okay. […]

When the coronavirus first appeared in early March, the state of Florida barricaded its nursing homes to try and protect the elderly residents inside. Family visits were banned, isolation wings were created and regular testing every two weeks became the new normal. More recently, the state has seen a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases in […]

As of yesterday, August 19th, New York State’s COVID-19 infection rates have continued to be clocked at under 1% for the 12th day in a row. According to the most recent numbers of 80,425 tests conducted Tuesday, 631 came back positive for an infection rate of 0.78%. Governor Andrew Cuomo commented on this during a […]

During a live stream interview between Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Zuckerberg voiced his concern in how the federal government has handled the coronavirus pandemic. Zuckerberg is quoted, saying: “I just think that it was avoidable and it it’s really disappointing that we still don’t have adequate testing, […]

Infectious disease experts are now saying that Miami, Florida is the new epicenter of the coronavirus. According to the statistics, Miami is now just as bad as Wuhan, China was when the pandemic began. Wuhan detected around 50,000 cases in the months between December and April. Florida has just passed that mark with a record […]

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