high school
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After a threat circulating on social media, Greece Arcadia High School stepped up security. A concerned community member sent News10NBC a picture of what looks like a “kill list” posted on Snapchat. It includes dozens of names and the text, “If u [sic] are on this list dont [sic] come to school tmrw [sic] cause my […]
Jacob Latimore is set to co-star in the reimagined 1990 cult comedy “House Party”. Latimore will now co-star opposite Tosin Cole. Award-winning music video director Calmatic is making his feature film debut. SpringHill’s LeBron James and Maverick Carter will produce. The original House Party follows a high schooler (played by Christopher “Kid” Reid) sneaking out to […]
Some students and parents are upset over altered yearbook photos at a high school in Florida. A freshman at Bartram Trail High School noticed her picture was edited to show less cleavage. The student said she has worn the outfit she wore to take pictures many times before taking the photo. She thought it met […]
Talking about taking advantage of the extra time you have! There is 12 years old from North Carolina who is graduating from high school and college in the same week. Mike Wimmer who is 12 years old decided to double up on his classes during the pandemic. Taking dual enrollment classes he decided to graduate […]
The “Future Ready: Youth Workforce Readiness Series” will include daily sessions during the Rochester City School District’s Spring Break. March 29th – April 2nd, all members of the public (especially youth and their families) can gain hard and soft skills for success in the working world and to connect with internship, employment, and career opportunities. […]
Los Angeles native and NBA Star Russell Westbrook is planning to open a middle and a high school. “The Russell Westbrook Why Not? Academy will deliver world-class education to South Los Angeles youth grades 6 through 12. Westbrook and his wife Nina Earl, who have three children are working on the academy together with Westbrook’s […]
It’s been a frustrating 16 months for Section V high school football. While their season was cancelled, some of the schools in the southern tier were only miles away from the NY / PA border, where teams played every Friday night. Scott Barker, the Section V football chairman said this about the situation: “The frustration […]
The department of homeland security and the FBI are investigating a vicious malware hack directed at the Victor School District. According to limited reports that don’t compromise the investigation, Victor School Superintendent Tim Terranova said that the hack has closed the district for the time being, but hopes to bring students back in as soon […]
On Sunday, the Penfield Central School District announced that one of the members of its varsity basketball team tested positive for COVID-19 and now the entire team will enter a mandatory quarantine. The Monroe County Department of Health let the district and school know about the diagnosis as soon as it could. According to the […]
The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) announced Wednesday that football, volleyball and competitive cheer fall seasons will be postponed until March 1, 2021. Low and moderate risk fall sports, meanwhile, are still authorized to begin practices on September 21. As a result of fall high-risk sports being moved, the start date for […]