
Apple TV’s animated special “Snoopy Presents: Welcome Home, Franklin” explores the origin story of Franklin, the first Black character in the “Peanuts” comic strip, showcasing his initial encounter with Charlie Brown and the rest of the gang. The special addresses a long-overdue focus on Franklin, introduced in 1968 by “Peanuts” creator Charles Schulz following a […]

After shots were fired at a 16-year-old student outside Franklin High School earlier this month. Rochester City Council voted 8-1 to approve police presence outside five city high schools. Five high schools will have police presence during arrival and dismissal times on a permanent basis during the school year. The majority of the City Council approved an […]

Rochester City Council has approved the funding for the Rochester Police Department to place officers at schools. City Council voted earlier this week to fund overtime for RPD officers to be present at some of the schools in the City of Rochester. The officers will be at certain schools for the arrival and dismissal times. […]

Made Possible By Buffalo Bills and Local Initiatives Support Cooperation $200K Donation Through National Football League Foundation Grassroots Grant WHO:  Families, District staff and student athletes Preston Teague, Buffalo Bills Director of Community                                   Relations and Youth Football Marlon […]

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