City of Rochester

Page: 69

On Tuesday, May 5, Mayor Lovely Warren announced that the City of Rochester would see a reduction of 403 “non-essential” workers (178 furloughs, 208 job shares, and 17 separations) starting next Monday. Layoffs had been expected for some time because of the negative impact of SARS-CoV-2 on revenues, the high cost to pay employees and […]

City of Rochester News Release Mayor Warren Announces City Personnel Reductions to Protect Essential Services Due To COVID-19 Over $2.1 Million in Savings Generated by 403 Changes, Including Furloughs, Work Sharing and Layoffs Notable Details Include: – Uniformed members of the Rochester Police and Fire Departments as well as the Emergency Communications Department are Unaffected […]

According to reports, Rochester area home fires have gone up 25% since Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Order, New York On Pause, went into effect in late March. I can definitely see why those numbers are increasing with 80% of America’s workforce laid off and spending most of their time inside. People are cooking more and […]

Mayor Lovely Warren will make a budget proposal announcement by May 15 to meet the City of Rochester’s June 1 budget deadline for 2021. Given the economic crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Mayor Warren is expected to announce worker layoffs. Although the city normally employs approximately 3,000 workers, an unknown number of “non-essential” workers […]

On Monday, April 20, Jordan Health announced that it had opened up, in coordination with the City of Rochester, Monroe County and University of Rochester Medical Center, a new COVID-19 respiratory clinic on Holland Street at the Anthony L. Jordan Health Center. The clinic is an official response to racial disparities that have occurred with […]

Grand opening, Grand closing. The Rochester City School District Superintendent Terry Dade is looking to leave the district with just 10 months into his position. The district did confirm that Dade asked his lawyers about ending his role as RCSD superintendent. The New York State controller’s office just released a report on how the district […]

City R-Centers will continue to provide grab-and-go meals to school-aged youth each Monday – Friday. Those sites currently operate from 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. RCSD school sites will be open for meal distribution on Good Friday. City R-Centers (open from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Monday – Thursday; 8 a.m. – […]

The City of Rochester has recently installed a new historical marker to highlight the work of famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass. The marker has been placed outside Douglass’ previous home, which still stands at 271 Hamilton Street in the city. At the unveiling of the historic marker, mayor of Rochester Lovely A. Warren stated that Frederick […]

Four teens were arrested in Brighton after being found in a stolen car with stolen items. Brighton police said the teens ages range from 14 -17. Reports say the teens were pulled over early Wednesday morning around 2:00 a.m. in Brighton. Police evidence shows cell phones,  purses, and a gun, not sure if it’s real or […]

After the news broke about the Rochester City School District’s $30 million budget deficit, a whirlwind of effects came about. Teachers and staff learned about possible mid-year layoffs, parents and students were outraged and the city’s bond rating was lowered. Now we’re finding out that there’s still more to come. According to city of Rochester […]

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