christmas tree

If you celebrate Christmas, it’s officially Christmas tree-cutting season in New York State. Yesterday, New York State Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard Ball visited Stokoe Farms to help cut down a 9-foot-tall Fraser fir, which will be displayed at the Finger Lakes Welcome Center in Geneva. Ball stated: “For all of us in New York […]

A woman in Florida woke up to shuffling sounds in her living room. When she went out to investigate she saw her Christmas tree shaking and something grey moving underneath the boughs. Aubrey Iacobelli of Tallahassee got her phone out and started recording, saying: “There’s a cat in my Christmas Tree!” In the video you […]

The staff at a restaurant in Ohio got an early holiday present when a customer left a $5,600 tip to be shared with everyone who worked there – including those who had the day off. “There was a lot of tears, I’m tearing up now talking about it,” Moussa Salloukh, Souk’s owner and chef, told […]

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