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Imagine (if this hasn’t already happened to you) your kid uses your thumb while you doze off on the couch to unlock your iPhone and then goes shopping using your Amazon account.  

On December 7th Amazon Prime Air said made it’s first official delivery by drone in less than 30 minutes! How exciting is that?!  

Bloomberg has reported that Amazon employees have been listening to customers on Alexa devices, according to claims made by seven former employees of Amazon’s voice review program.

It has been stated there are 8 million stories in the naked city… well there are 3 billion in tax breaks and other government goodies for a no go is in effect for the  NYC, so  these are the breaks.  (wonder if Kurtis Blow can do anything with this) Concerns from helicopter pad for Jeff […]

Jeff Bezos, the largest shareholder of Amazon stock is the new and real life Billion Dollar Man! 

The announcement was made Tuesday by Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo that Amazon would be building a 70,000 square foot distribution center in Henrietta. 

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