airline industry

We’ve heard about horror stories when it comes to airlines. American Airlines is under fire after they canceled a connecting flight for a 10 year old without notifying the child’s parents. The 10 year old girl was flying from Richmond Virginia to Boston and had a layover in New York City at JFK Airport. American […]

Reports are saying Airline companies are charging up to $35 for customers to speak with a live representative to either buy, change or cancel a flights. Airline companies had stop charging people fees to talk to a live representative but recently the charges have been reinstated leaving some customers frustrated.

The airline industry owes customers more than $20 billion in refunds. The US Department of Transportation was hit with over 90,000 complaints about refunds from different airline companies for flight cancelations, reports say that’s up 5,000%.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is changing the world, especially the job market. Industries that revolve around a high amount of face-to-face traffic and can’t adapt to change are going bankrupt. As reported by CNN on Tuesday, May 5, Airbnb is just one of the most recent companies forced to cut their workforce because of revenue losses […]

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