SUNY Geneseo Stays Open, Despite More Than 100 Positive COVID-19 Cases In The First Week
Written by Site Hub on February 14, 2021
Officials at SUNY Geneseo are becoming concerned with the rising number of COVID-19 cases that have popped up since students began in-person class on Monday.
A majority of the 106 positive cases are coming from the tests required before returning to campus, and the State of New York says that those don’t count toward shutting down a school.
Denise Battles, the president of SUNY Geneseo gave a statement, saying:
“We all know that when individuals travel whether in broader society or coming back to college that is a time when there is risk involved so, again, we anticipated this that’s why we had such strict testing protocols. We have seen a higher level of incidents among certain populations of students largely these have been off-campus students. That isn’t necessarily a result of any kind of misbehavior, instead these are groups that tend to live together in larger dwellings so it’s not a surprise.”