Starbuck's Will Close All 8,000 Stores Across The U.S. On May 29th

Written by on April 18, 2018

Starbuck’s will close it’s 8,000 U.S. stores for racial bias training on May 29th.

The closings will happen during the afternoon on that day to train 175,000 employee’s nationwide after the incident last week when two black men were arrested at one of their Philadelphia stores for trespassing.
You can read the full story on
The store manager who called the police is no longer working at that location. There are reports that the individual no longer works for the coffee company.
Starbuck’s CEO Kevin Johnson did meet with the two men and apologized to them face to face for how they were treated.
#Frontliners what are your thoughts on this one? Do you feel this is enough?

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