St. Phillip International Church Toys for Tots Registration

Written by on November 22, 2019

Written by Jasmine

With the holidays quickly approaching, several community organizations are doing what they can to help support local children and families in need.

If you’re looking for a way to provide holiday gifts for your family and may just need a little help doing so, then this message is for you! St. Phillip International Church, located at 191 Bay Street in Rochester, NY, is currently registering parents and legal guardians for their Toys for Tots program.

If you visit St. Phillip International Church Monday through Friday, between the times 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.- 4 p.m., you can register for this program to receive holiday gifts for children you may be caring for. Keep in mind however, the church will be closed on Thursday, 11/28 and Friday, 11/29.

Families signing up for toys MUST have the following documentation in hand for each child on the day of registration:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Medicaid or Benefit Card
  3. Parent or guardian photo ID

(Note: You must be the parent or legal guardian of the children you are registering for the Toys for Tots program, or an authorized family agency representative.)

***HURRY, the registration deadline for the Toys for Tots program is Friday, December 6, 2019!***

For questions or to get more information, call (585) 482-8622.

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