Social Distancing And Elevators: Waiting to Exhale

Written by on March 26, 2020

As we are practicing social distancing there was a moment where I was on an elevator and it was awkward. Not just for me but for the other person that was on the elevator with me. We were less than six feet apart and I didn’t want to be rude so I stayed on but it was nerve wrecking.

All I kept thinking about was this person better not cough or sneeze I will legit freak out! It was the longest elevator ride EVER. We did not look at each other, we did not say a word. I’m sure that made it just as bad for them as it was for me.

So the elevator arrived at my floor and as I got off we both exhaled a sigh of relief. Did we just wait to exhale?

Yes, actually, we did. From that moment I told myself I will do us both a favor and take the next one. Now I know not everyone will feel this way and that is okay but for those us that do it’s also okay to wait.

Keeping a peace of mind during this time is super important. You are not being rude or hurting someone’s feelings if you do not get on the elevator with them. Think of it like you’re protecting both of you and your families, then just take the next one.

Social distancing is imperative right now and until we get through this – people will understand and if they don’t that’s on them.

My goodness COVID-19 has literally changed the way we think about everything!

Have you had a similar experience you’d like to share? Comment below or text 678-1039

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