Sense Of Smell Lost Due To Covid-19 May Require Smell Re-Training

Written by on May 4, 2021

Some people who have had Covid-19 suffered from a loss of smell called anosmia. There are people who were able to regain their sense of smell and then some individuals did not. Were you aware that you could regain your sense of smell through smell re-training?

So if you are someone who never regained your sense of smell back after having Covid-19 you may want to look into this. Smell re-training is a type of physical training for the nose and could help with loss of smell.

Also, it is important to know a couple of things if you’ve lost your sense of smell. Make sure your fire and natural gas detectors are working properly. You should label your leftovers with dates because you will not be able to smell if the food is bad. Oh and shower or bathe regularly due to the fact you won’t be able to smell if you smell bad.

To read more about smell therapy click here.

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