Seabreeze Gears Up For Summer 2022

Written by on June 13, 2022

Either though the weather might be up and down, summer is just around the corner. A Rochester staple, Seabreeze, is getting ready for its 144th season, officially kicking off Thursday, June 23rd. This will be Sebreeze’s first full operations, after having shut down completely in 2020.

Genevieve Norris-Brown, General Manager of Seabreeze, stated: “It was definitely more of a challenge this year. It was definitely more challenging than its’ been in previous years, however, we’re sitting pretty good right now. We’ve got a lot of returning staff which is really beneficial to us because we have our core that came back from last year and previous seasons…It’s been great because I’ve been here since I was a kid so I’ve really seen the park transform from what it was to what it is now and it’s such a beautiful institution and we’re just caretakers — we don’t claim to fame anything. We’re just here and we want to make sure that this Rochester gem stays in business and does well in the future.”

Source: Rochester First

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