Roll with Kindness

Written by on June 24, 2020

Roll with Kindness

 Conkey Cruisers Wheels & Rackets 2020 has teamed up with R-Community Bikes, WDKX, Ibero-American Action League and USTA Eastern Region for a            Community Wide- Bicycle, helmet and Tennis Equipment Giveaway

When: Saturday June 27, 2020

Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm

Where: Conkey Corner Park 92 Conkey Avenue Rochester, NY

                       Safety and Social Distancing will be maintained

·        Registration Required-First Registered-First Served

 Register on Conkey Cruisers Facebook Page or


Individuals/families will be asked to join the Roll with Kindness Facebook Group and post pictures cycling and/or playing tennis, though it is not required to receive free equipment. Conkey Cruisers will post cycling, tennis and health information on our Facebook page.

·         Families may request up to four bikes, 2 adult tennis rackets, 2 children tennis rackets and six balls

·         Individuals may request 1 bike, 1 racket and two tennis balls

·         Individuals/families  need to provide height, weight, type of bicycle preferred and helmet size

·         Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, bikes and helmets cannot be individually fitted or adjusted.

Distribution/ Pick Up: Conkey Corner Park

·         Distribution/Pick Up times will be scheduled every ten minutes

No Contact Delivery:

·         Equipment can  be delivered if needed

·         Individuals/families must be prepared to remove the equipment from the back of the delivery Truck upon arrival to their home. No contact with the Delivery Team.

How You Can Help:

·         Donate via PayPal at . New bikes, helmets and tennis equipment will be purchased with your donation. Due to the Corvid-19 Pandemic, we are unable to accept used equipment.

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