Rochester school using remote tools for classes

Written by on March 22, 2020

With schools closed throughout the state, school administrators and teachers are using remote computer and telecommunication options to continue classroom learning. The Rochester Academy Charter School normally has three campuses filled with K-12 students at this time of year. Instead, while non-teaching staff sanitize everything, virtual classes are taking place.

As seen on, the Rochester Academy Charter School isn’t allowing face-to-face restrictions to get in the way. Students were allowed to take home Chromebooks. At a predesignated time during the school’s normal business hours, they log into a Google Zoom conferencing system that allows the teachers and students to see each other on a visual grid of inset screens. Students might come to classes wearing only pajamas or while resting in their beds, but they’re still receiving access to formal education.

According to Assistant Principal Matt Juda, the school is continuing instruction because no one knows with absolute certainty when the school will re-open. They want to make certain that students gain the skills they need in preparation for the next school year.

Rochester Academy Charter School’s high school received a U.S. News & World Report Bronze recognition award in 2014. Beyond providing Chromebooks to students, the school has also set up a Coronavirus update page with links to valuable information, including resources about free internet and meals for students and families in need.

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