Rachel Dolezal is Changing Her Name

Written by on March 2, 2017

I’m about sick of this woman. 

Remember Rachel Dolezal? How could you forget the white woman who has been passing as Black and has referred to herself as transracial… Well she’s in the news, again.

Rachel Dolezal has legally changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo.

The former NAACP chapter president has decided it’d be best for her and her three children if she changed her name because she has been unable to find work after applying to over 100 jobs. The only offers she has received are from adult film and reality TV producers.

While I’m not thrilled about this woman, the name is actually beautiful.

Nkechi is short for Nkechinyere meaning ‘gift of God’ in Igbo while Diallo means ‘bold’ coming from the widely dispersed people of Fula.

I guess the last name is most fitting for her, because this lady sure is bold. She told her twitter followers if they want to know more about her name change, they’d have to by her memoirs coming out on March 28th.



The book description says her memoirs will be about the “discrimination she suffered while living as a black woman.”

Maybe once the book is released she’ll reveal this was all just a life long social experiment to see people’s reaction to racial identity.

It makes you think though… Since race, like gender, is a social construct should they both be fluid?

Should people have to right to choose their race is they are able to choose their gender?

Or are comparing race and gender like comparing apples and oranges? They both might be fruit but completely opposite at the core.

Personally, the whole Rachel Dolezal situation rubs me the wrong way as a Black woman. Especially, because of the things I have endured even at a young age for being Black. Her whole MO just seems off to me. She claims she identifies more as Black, but if you identify with Black people then just celebrate us, support us, fight with us, don’t become us… Just get the “I have mixed kids haircut” and be on your way



What do you think about Rachel Dolezal and being transracial?





For those that are wondering why I picked the Black guy in the blonde wig for the title picture watch this skit from Atlanta (excuse the poor quality):

Current track

