President Trump’s Condition Is Improving, According To His Physician

Written by on October 5, 2020

President Donald Trump’s doctors are saying that he has been given oxygen and has now started a course of steroids. They’re also saying that’s what patients receive when they are “best case scenario.”

Trump’s main physician, Navy Commander Sean Conley said that if his condition continues to improve, he could be released from the hospital as soon as Monday. This is atypical for patients who generally fall under this treatment plan.

Russell Buhr, a professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of California-Los Angeles gave a second opinion, saying:

“I will say that I’ve never started someone with COVID-19 on steroids and then thought I’d be discharging the patient home the next day,”

A third opinion came in as well, from Dr. J. Randall Curtis, a professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle:

“Generally, once a patient is on oxygen, they stay in the hospital for four or five days, if everything goes well. If a patient is off oxygen and then goes back on oxygen, that would suggest they’ve gotten a little bit worse. If they’ve started on dexamethasone, that suggests to me he’s gotten a little bit worse,”

This is a developing story.

USA Today

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