Potassium Iodide Available For Monroe County Residents Living Around Ginne Nuclear Powerplant

Written by on September 1, 2020

Any Monroe Community resident within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone of Ginne Nuclear Power Plant is now able to receive Potassium Iodide tablets for free according to Monroe County Executive Adam Bello.

The tablets contain a compound that can protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine that might be released into the air if anything bad were to happen at the nuclear power plant.

Nothing is wrong, it’s just a precautionary measure.

If something did happen, the emergency broadcast system would kick in and give all residents any instructions needed.

The tablets are now available at these Wegmans locations:

  • Holt Road Store, 900 Holt Road
  • Eastway Store, 1955 Empire Boulevard
  • Penfield Store, 2157 Penfield Road


Bello released a statement that said:

“Providing KI to residents who live in close proximity to the Ginna Nuclear Power Plant is an important step we can take to help protect our community in the unlikely event an emergency situation should arise at the plant. I am happy to partner with Wegmans Food Markets and the state Office of Emergency Management to ensure area residents have access to a new precautionary supply of Potassium Iodide.”


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