Pay Attention While You Drive It Saves Lives

Written by on June 22, 2020

With the number of increased car accidents lately and the severity of the accidents, we must pay attention while we are driving. That means no texting, no checking emails, and/or social media while behind the wheel. Anything that will distract you while you drive has to be put on pause until you park your vehicle.

Getting to your destination safely is the goal and what you should be focused on driving. Over the weekend I witnessed a three-car accident that could have been prevented, but the driver was not paying attention to the cars in front of them.

The next day a woman turning off of a side street as I was driving down S. Goodman pulled in to traffic even though she saw me coming. If I had not stopped she would have hit me. The reason for this blog is to give examples of why you have to be aware of what’s happening around you every moment while you are driving.

Its motorcycle season so it is important that you watch out for them on the road. Also, If you are driving through the city watch out for ATVs and dirt bikes. It can feel like they come out of nowhere while you are driving. People running red lights which should not be a thing are a thing, especially in the city.

Most importantly, do not drink and drive or do drugs and drive. There was someone who overdosed over the weekend and struck a house with their vehicle.

Also, never loan you car to someone or give your keys to anyone if they are not on your insurance.

Please be safe out there on the road, pay attention at all times, and do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs including prescriptions. And wear your seatbelt!

If you do get into an accident and are injured make sure you call 911 first. Then call Samantha, Al, or Tim at Parisi & Bellavia at 888-8000 or click


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