Written by Atu on June 18, 2020
I’ve just come across some extraordinary commentary on our current state. There is a docuseries out on Netflix called Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. It’s a series where the show’s host, Hasan, digs in detail on various topics that impact today’s society economically, politically, etc. He’s very informative and insightful.
The episode I got focused on today is in Volume 6, entitled “We Cannot Stay Silent About George Floyd”. This guy has all his ‘ducks in a row’ as far as where we are as a country, how many of his own people have benefited and are easily a part of the problem in silence. Then, there is the perspective of what immediately needs to happen collectively and individually to move our society forward.
Hasan Minhaj is clear, concise and extremely passionate on his views. I found the best portion of this particular episode on youtube. Check it out real quick then, VOTE