Written by on June 2, 2020


  • Michael Bennet

  • Joe Biden (party backed candidate)

  • Michael Bloomberg

  • Pete Buttigieg

  • Tulsi Gabbard

  • Amy Klobuchar

  • Deval Patrick

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Tomy Steyer

  • Elizabeth Warren

  • Andrew Yang

How can I still vote for any of these candidates? I thought they dropped out.


In order for Biden to officially hold the Democratic nomination he needs the backing of 1991 delegates of the total 3797 to officially face Trump in November. Due to Covid-19 many primaries were delayed. Initially the state’s Democratic election commissioners wanted to cancel the NYS Presidential Primary since Biden was the only actively running candidate; but Sanders and Yang sued. Sanders and Yang found the decision to cancel the primary unconstitutional. A federal judged agreed.


Who is running?

What does a congress person do?

Members of Congress represent people of their district. We are in the 25th Congressional District out of the total 435 congressional districts in the United States. Congress has the power to make laws, introduce bills/resolutions, raise and provide public money while overseeing spending, recommend amendments, impeach and try federal officers.

New York State Assembly District 137

What does a NYS Assembly person do?

Responsibilities include passing bills on public policies, setting levels for state spending, and raising and lowering taxes. The NYS Assembly has 150 seats, 7 of which represent Monroe County. Each members term lasts two years.

[There are no radio stations in the database]