NY Ranks Lowest COVID Positivity in U.S.

Written by on June 3, 2021

Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo spoke at the Jacob K. Javitts Center, announcing that New York has the lowest COVID-19 positivity of any state in the U.S. According to Governor Cuomo, the state’s positivity stands at .61%. The governor commented on this updating by saying; “If you had told us a year ago when we were walking through this facility, ‘Don’t worry, you’re going to turn this around, and New York is going to wind up with the lowest positivity,’ I wouldn’t have believed you. The people of New York did it.No one else. It was their behavior, sense of community, that turned it around.”


Roughly 65.5% of New Yorkers 18 and over have received at least one dose of the vaccine. The next step is focusing on ages 12-17, where Governor Cuomo announced an incentive program allowing people in this age group who get the vaccine to take part in a raffle for a four-year college scholarship for any public college or university in New York. The first batch of winners was announced yesterday, the program will continue into July.

Source: 13 WHAM

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