No More Folding Clothes

Written by on April 7, 2017

A company says it has created a new technology  that will eliminate folding clothes.

( DJ SIGHT ) Hate folding clothes? Well lucky for you, scientists have developed an invention called the ThreadRobe, perfect for even the laziest people.
The ThreadRobe will sort, iron, and fold/ hang up each item in the machine.
When you’re ready to get dressed you can use the corresponding app and it will choose the outfit for you.
It’s like a mix between the wardrobe in Beauty and the Beast and Cher Horowitz’s closet from clueless.
Cher_Horowitz_Closet-009_2-728x555    beauty-and-the-beast_madame-de-la-grande-bouche_2
At the rate we’re going all we’re going it’s going to be a world full of lazy people.

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