Monroe County Officials Hold Press Conference About Rising COVID-19 Infection Rates

Written by on December 1, 2020

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and County Health Director Dr. Michael Mendoza held a news conference recently to address the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

They detailed a plan are new guidelines that will address hospitalization numbers and testing in schools, focusing on keeping grades K-8 as open as possible.

On Monday, Monroe County reported 514 new cases of the coronavirus with 11 new deaths, although the deaths happened in the previous weeks they are just now being reported.

Mendoza is saying that the future of the county depends on the actions of the residents in the coming weeks and months:

“The fact of the matter is that the future of all of this rests in our own homes, in how we behave and how we take seriously the precautions that we’ve been talking about now for months. The next few weeks and months will test the mettle of Monroe County, and we have find a way to work together. We have to find a way to take this very seriously.”

“Now we’re seeing the older relatives and older loved ones of those young adults now becoming infected, and those are the people who are largely in the hospital – although the age range of people in the hospital is spanning all ages. It’s not a surprise when you see the deaths follow,” said Mendoza. “It bodes for a very sobering December.”


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