Mom’s Reaction Song after 40 days of Homeschooling [Parody Video]

Written by on April 26, 2020

I have been homeschooling two kids for six weeks now and like most parents, it’s taking a toll on me mentaling.
Today is #TakeYourChildToWork day, but since we are working from home, may I propose an alternative?


Take your kids away from your work area day! I’ve resorted to broadcasting my radio show from my car, simply because the kids always seem to pop up with some sort of drama at the worst times. Remember this?

This video went viral in 2017 when working from home was a privilege rather than a mandate.

At this point, we have to come up with some creative outlets to release the stress of being quarantined in the house.

I present to you the Stuck in The Box parody for parents by Jazzy T featuring Cora Skye (4)


[There are no radio stations in the database]