MC Hammer Honors His Namesake Hero Hank Aaron

Written by on January 23, 2021

Baseball icon Hammerin’ Hank Arron died Friday at the age of 86. He made history on 1974 when he hit his 715th homerun, shattering the record set by Babe Ruth.

“What a “Marvelous Moment for baseball, Atlanta, the country and the world.

A Black man got a standing ovation in the deep south for breaking the record of an all-time baseball idol.”


Upon news of Aaron’s death, many are learning a new piece of history about one of the biggest names in music.

MC Hammer, born as Stanley Burrell, was a batboy for the Oakland Athletics when he was a child. According to Hammer, former Brewers second baseman Pedro Garcia saw the young man and said he looked like Hammerin’ Hank of the Atlanta Braves.

From that moment on, he was known as “Little Hammer” around the field. Obviously, the name stuck with Hammer throughout his music career.

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