Man Claims Eating Raw Meat Diet Makes Him Healthier

Written by on October 13, 2021

So there is this guy who you would swear is straight out of the new season of American Horror Stories. A man from Nebraska eats raw meat like that is his diet, raw meat. His name is Weston Rowe and he is 39 years old.

He said he is the healthiest he has ever been and that he began the raw meat diet because he felt brain fog, had decreased energy, and eczema. Rowe said he eats only raw protein-rich foods like beef, chicken, liver, eggs, and other animal organs. He also claims he has been on this diet for three years and he has never been sick.

Chicken liver and beef with raw butter are his favorites to eat along with, get this.. sheep brains. He also does not season his meat. Rowe said his meat is 99% farm-fresh raw meat.

Ummm… This is a solid nope for me! Would you try this raw primal style diet? (Warning consult with your health care provider before starting a new diet)

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