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LeBron James Doesn’t Think The NFL Has Done Enough For Colin Kaepernick

Written by on June 28, 2020

The NFL, along with many other corporate organizations have recently pledged a stance of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement since the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.

Back on June 5, there was an apology issued by the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell about how the organization has reacted to peaceful protests in the past, but it didn’t mention Colin Kaepernick.

To this day, there still has been no official apology to Kaepernick, only an undisclosed settlement with the NFL.

NBA star LeBron James has decided to speak his mind about the matter. During an interview with Bloomberg Buisnessweek, he mentioned that the NFL still had miles to go if it wants to be sincere.

“As far as the NFL, I’m not in those locker rooms, I’m not with those guys, but I do understand that an apology — I have not heard a true, official apology to Colin Kaepernick on what he was going through and what he was trying to tell the NFL and tell the world about why he was kneeling when he was doing that as a San Francisco 49er,”

The full interview can be seen &feature=emb_logo.


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