India Facing An Out Of Control COVID Wave, Government Does Not Want to Shut Down

Written by on May 1, 2021

India is currently facing an out-of-control coronavirus wave. Thousands of people are dying, some in the streets, every single day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is hesitant to put his economy through another round of turmoil. Regardless of the Prime Minister’s hesitancy, India’s economy may crash anyways.

India is the second-largest global exporter of leather and the fourth largest global exporter of leather goods. Last year, leather exports slumped a steep 29.1%, the industry lost almost $1.4 billion in exports.

Shashi Kashyap, a senior manager of an India Leather Company spoke on his country’s current affairs, saying; “We are just relying on god right now to get us through this. There’s nowhere to go to get tested, no room in hospitals to get admitted. People are dying on the streets.”

Source: CNN

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