Images Of Social Media Ads Russia Used To Target U.S. Election Released
Written by Andre on November 2, 2017
Thousands of images were released of the social media ads Russian’s purchased from the 2016 U.S. Presidential election by lawmakers Wednesday showing us how they played us.
The ads targeted social media users who vote and they are quite advanced as you will see. You might even recall seeing some of them in your Facebook feed.
Facebook, Twitter, and Google attorney’s testified Wednesday saying basically that they were not diligent enough in protecting us from outside influences on the internet.
Hmmm… So how are we supposed to feel safe and believe our government has our best interest in mind or online.
![Photo Credit: NY Times](
Photo Credit: NY Times
*Insert an Al Woooooow here* Smh
What we learned?.. That the internet and social media can be manipulated and through those platforms so can the human mind. #staywoke
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