Black artist releases inspiring video during the COVID-19 pandemic

Written by on May 4, 2020

It seems Black communities are being hit the hardest in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Black communities in Rochester and around America are suffering due to the pandemic, with no relief in sight.

One Black artist, Gene Nobel, took advantage of the empty streets in Atlanta to create a heartfelt video to express his thoughts and feelings about the impact of the virus. The video called ‘Too Many Lost’ was shot on Noble’s iPhone and was produced by Gordon Campbell.

Noble is currently signed with Hidden Beach Records, an independent record label, and ‘Too Many Lost’ will feature on his debut EP. On his debut EP, Noble said “I’ve put a lot of love into this new project and I absolutely cannot wait to share my new music with the public! I’m particularly thankful to be able to utilize my platform to offer a powerful song and video that’s much bigger than me.”

Throughout the video, Noble brings awareness to the people risking their lives every day to help Black communities, including essential workers. The song is a great example of how the black community is channeling the pain and fear they are experiencing in the pandemic through creating art and using their platforms to spread awareness and positivity.

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