Hoop and Swim Time is Back

Written by on July 6, 2020

City of Rochester reopen pools and basketball courts to the public.

The reopening includes all basketball courts in public parks that are operated by the Department of Recreation and Youth Services.

Two more City pools, the Adams Street R-Center Pool and the Trenton and Pamela Jackson R-Center Pool, also officially open today for the summer season.  They join the Genesee Valley Park Sports Complex Pool, which opened on June 27.

Pool locations and hours of operation are as follows:

• Adams Street R-Center Pool, 85 Adams St.: Noon – 6:30 p.m., Monday – Friday

• Trenton and Pamela Jackson R-Center Pool (formerly Baden St. Pool), 485 N. Clinton Ave.: Noon – 6:30 p.m., Monday – Friday

• Genesee Valley Park Sports Complex Pool, 131 Elmwood Ave.: Noon – 7 p.m., seven days a week.

While enjoying outdoor spaces, please continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/State Department of Health (DOH) guidelines for preventing the spread of colds, flu, and COVID-19:

• Stay home if you are sick or showing or feeling any COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, coughing and/or troubled breathing.

• Practice social distancing by keeping at least six (6) feet of distance between yourself and others, even when outdoors.

• Avoid close contact, such as shaking hands, hugging or high-fives.

• Wash hands often or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when soap and water are not available.

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